Now the highlights are also being created from these two different lights, so one light is 73% bright, and it's kinda down over here to the side, and then I have another light that's sorta up over here okay? So I have two lights, and if we Scrub in the timeline here, you'll see my letter is rotating around, and as the letter rotates around, you can see that specularity is reflecting each one of those lights, and that's catching on the edges here. So when we Close that Material Editor here, that's what's giving these nice highlights. And if you click on the Default Specular settings under the Reflectance channel, I made the width a little more narrow, and I increased the Specular Strength up to about 80. It's just a generic material that has a Color channel, that's this kind of purple-magenta color, and a Reflectance channel. Let's double-click on the Material, so we can see what it looks like.

So I created a material and added it to the extrude object just by dragging it and dropping it. This is important because that's what gives this edge that is catching the highlight. Notice it has it for the front and the back of the letter. And that's what's generating the object, when it's the child of the extrude object, okay? So the extrude object is actually generating geometry, and when we select the extrusion, under it's attributes, if I go to the Caps section here, it has a Fillet Cap with three steps and a radius of two. So if I take this text and drag it above my extrude, you can see it's just what's known as a spline. In the upper right corner, you'll see I've got my Objects Manager, and it has a text object, that is a child of the extrude object. Now, since this isn't primarily a Cinema 4D course, I'm starting with text that's already been extruded, but for those of you that may not be familiar with this, I'll just kinda break down the project. If you don't, Cinema 4D Lite would launch. If you have a full version of Cinema 4D, the full version probably launched. So let's select Layer One and press Command + E on the Mac, or Control + E on Windows to Edit the original file.

So once you have the project open, you should note that we have one composition, and if we look in the timeline, it has a Cinema 4D Lite layer, and it has a background magenta solid.

This is the 04_02_3D_Text After Effects project. So I just want you to note that we are actually starting in After Effects. In this example, we're going to add the highlights in Post using Render Passes. When it comes to animating highlights of 3D type created in Cinema 4D Lite, you must first decide if you want those highlights to appear directly within the materials of the 3D object in Cinema 4D Lite, or if you wanna add those highlights in Post inside of After Effects.